• Designed for Winter Sports
  • Upgrade for Higher Risk sports
  • Helicopter Rescue if needed
  • Instant Cover note by email

Cutting your holiday short


Did you know?


• £1,488 (25) – Average cost of a one-week holiday for family of four. (26)


(25) Source: Churchill Insurance. Based on £372 expenditure on travel and accommodation per person per week.


(26) Britain’s Holiday Spending Revealed. Confused.com, August 2010. 
1787641000 [Accessed: 06/10/10] 


Why does Ski insurance matter?


Sometimes people need to cut short – or curtail – their trip and return to the UK because something unexpected happens while abroad. There are a number of different reasons why people need to curtail holiday plans, some of which are covered by skiing holiday insurance.


Where cover is available, the policy will provide compensation for a proportion of the financial loss and works in the same way as Cancellation cover when something unexpected happens between making a booking and the date of travel.