Missed departure
Did you know?
• 1 in 10 – Number of delayed train journeys in the UK. (6)
• 20 – Average number of times UK motorists will breakdown in their driving life. (7)
• £100 – Cost of buying a replacement ticket if you miss the departure time.
(6) National rail trains arriving on time: 2008/09. Office for Rail Regulation, 2010.
http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/statistics/datatablespublications/trends/current/ [Accessed: 05/10/10]
(7) British drivers on brink of breakdown. Direct Line, 2005.
http://www.directline.com/about_us/news_300605.htm [Accessed: 05/10/10]
Why does Ski insurance matter?
Cover for a missed departure provides assistance and financial support to reach your final destination.
Even the best laid plans can sometimes go wrong and despite your best efforts to get to the airport, ferry or other departure point from the UK on time, you might be delayed and miss it.
If you do miss the departure time, the cost of buying last-minute tickets can be expensive – from a £30 administration fee to the full cost of a replacement ticket. On a popular long-haul flight that could add up to several hundred pounds or more. And you might need to stay in a hotel overnight before the next flight.
What does Ski insurance cover?
Many policies do provide assistance and financial support in getting you to your final destination if the reason for your missing your flight, ferry or train is one of those covered.
1 Public transport
When travelling to the departure point by public transport, policies do cover:
• cancellation;
• delay;
• curtailment;
• suspension; or
• failure or alteration of the service.
2 Private transport
When travelling to the departure point by private transport, policies do typically cover:
• incidents involving a breakdown; or
• an accident that immobilises the vehicle in which you are travelling.
The most common reasons that policies do not cover include:
• failing to allow enough time to get to your departure point; or
• getting stuck in a traffic jam.